
What kind of help are you looking for?

This page will help you decide!

An hour or two to walk around your site and discuss:

  • plants not thriving
  • existing small planting areas needs plant suggestions
  • small plantbed design
  • orchard layout
  • micro farm layout
  • composting
  • grafting
  • adding interest to existing gardens
  • assistance for contractors to specify plants for their installed project


Price 395 per hour plus GST ($100 deposit holds your spot)


Alison will meet you at your property and will take notes of her suggestions as you tour the areas needing some help. She will make clipboard sketches and notes as they go along.

Check out Alison's availability

Book soon as she has a limited number of these amazing appointments!

Get inspired and ready to enjoy your summer!

This category gives just enough time to measure and draw up those compact spaces!

  • average front yard
  • small condo spaces
  • rectangular duplex back yard
  • unused area beside the garage
  • innovative veggie production area
  • rework a tired planting area

Price ranges from $930 to1295 plus GST

Alison will visit you to to take measurements and pictures, then draft up a site layout in preparation for a collaborative lively zoom call with you. 

Alison will guide you through a great design process and draw up a solid structure for you to create privacy, beauty, & organization so you can move forward with confidence. She will suggest materials and help you choose a palette of plants for colour and ease of maintenance. Please bring your partner for input during the zoom call.

It's a personal grounded method to create the unique solution needed for your property!

Your final plan will be ready in about a week from your site visit.

Check out Alison's availability!

Get inspired and ready to enjoy your summer!


A great design can squeeze in a lot and still feel spacious!

 New home? Boring new-to-you small property? Just can't get started? New Home or Smallish Older Home clean slate

  • level or slight slope
  • need a deck or patio
  • plants/trees
  • privacy
  • lighting ideas
  • storage areas
  • play space
  • pets
  • compact veggie area
  • curb appeal


Price range from $1295 to 1695 plus GST

Alison will visit you to to take measurements and pictures, then draft up a site layout in preparation for a collaborative lively zoom call with you. 

Alison will guide you through a great design process and draw up a solid structure for you to create privacy, beauty, & organization so you can move forward with confidence. She will suggest materials and help you choose a palette of plants for colour and ease of maintenance. Please bring your partner for input during the zoom call.

It's a personal grounded method to create the unique solution needed for your property!

Your final plan will be ready in about a week from your site visit.

Check out Alison's availability!

Get inspired and ready to enjoy your summer!

This category is more about the amount of things going on AND the size of the property. May include:

  • pie shaped properties
  • larger rectangular lots
  • existing trees and structures 
  • multilevel decks
  • some slopes to manage
  • basic walkouts
  • plant lover or too many plants
  • enjoy entertaining
  • hot tub 
  • larger play areas & gardens
  • fire pit

Price range from $1695 to 1995 plus GST

Alison is excited to help you with this type of project.

She will visit you to to take measurements and pictures, then draft up a site layout in preparation for a collaborative lively zoom call with you. 

Alison will guide you through a great design process and draw up a solid structure for you to create privacy, beauty, & organization so you can move forward with confidence. She will suggest materials and help you choose a palette of plants for colour and ease of maintenance. Please bring your partner for input during the zoom call.

It's a personal grounded method to create the unique solution needed for your property!

Your final plan will be ready in about a week from your site visit.

Check out Alison's availability!

Get inspired and ready to enjoy your summer!

Larger projects and distance projects can be tackled in a few ways and we are happy to chat with you about what you have going on!

  • overall layout of features on acreages, orchards and farms
  • estate homes
  • commercial compliance plans for minimal landscape requirements 
  • a fresh look at existing landscapes
  • lake lots and watershed compliance
  • Special event venues
  • properties beyond an hour of Edmonton
  • Note: we do not get into formal site planning of drainage and utilities or construction specifications - that is Landscape Architect and Engineer territory

Price may range from $1995 to $2695 (or more) plus GST, mileage, expenses

Adele/Alison will visit you to to take measurements and pictures, then draft up a site layout in preparation for a collaborative lively zoom call with you. Please bring your partner for input during the zoom call.

She will guide you through a great design process and draw up a solid structure for you to create privacy, beauty, & organization so you can move forward with confidence. She will suggest materials and help you choose a palette of plants for colour and ease of maintenance.

It's a personal grounded method to create the unique solution needed for your property!

Your final plan will be ready in about a week or two from your site visit. (This will vary depending on the project.)

Check out Adele's availability!

Get inspired and ready to enjoy your summer!


What is included in my design package?

You will receive:

  1. A large original drawing that is coloured and labeled
  2. A PDF of your plan
  3. An extra paper copy of your plan (you can request more for handing out to contractors)
  4. A PDF of your plant list
  5. A PDF of practical ideas on how to proceed with installing your plan
  6. A waterproof storage tube

From a process point of view

  • an appointment is booked and a $100 deposit received from you on credit card
  • a site visit to your property for measuring, photos & site elevations, and a quick tour
  • the designer receives your intake questionnaire, RPR or Plot Plan if available
  • a scaled drawing prepared on grid paper at the designers office
  • a zoom call with the designer - usually 1 to 2 hours
  • your drawing is drawn legibly, detailed and coloured 
  • your documents are taken to a print shop for scanning & printing
  • an invoice is prepared and the deposit is accounted for
  • drawings are assembled into a storage tube for mailing or pickup

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Alison's Full Service Design Menu

Adele's Unique Project Menu